Tuesday, August 19, 2014


He is her most beautiful memory. His laugh, the watch on his wrist, the scent of his cologne, the shy smile he wears when she pays him a compliment. She never had him and he may never be hers but no one can claim her memories of him. They are her own.
She will always smile when she recalls how it took him longer than her to get ready to go out because he couldn't make up his mind on what to wear. She will never forget how she felt when in his arms they danced the night away. Or the look of fascination and intrigue in his eyes when he learnt there was layers to her. The gratitude she felt when he didn't stop trying to find a door or even a window to the wall of Jericho she had built around her.
If they ever were, if he were ever hers, she knows they would be beautiful. And easy. Everything with him is easy, even getting angry but more than that was how easy it is to let go of the anger.
But he is not hers. And may never be. The memories are hers. Her feelings are her own. The happiness that won't let her forget, thats also hers.
When its no longer enough she remembers how he is afraid to go to bed with his socks on because he believes he would die in his sleep, how he made her feel beautiful even when her hair was a mess. She remembers the multi purpose ring he wears on his finger and she smiles.
She will take away the best part of him- the memory of him.

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