Tuesday, August 19, 2014

He continues to raise me

You think you know pain when you are four and your mama wont get you your favorite toy so you whine about how unfair life is because the neighbours kid has twice as much stuff as you do.
But mamas not the enemy because she sits by your bedside when at five you have the chicken pox and the other moms wont let their kids come over. Every time you wake up panicking and scared she is there to calm you down and tell you she'll always be there.
But see mama lied because one morning you woke up and daddy said she'd watch you from the heavens. At six years old thats either a fairy tale or a joke.
But life goes on and daddy does his best to be mama and papa bear for his two baby girls. Half the time he is second guessing every decision he makes wondering if he is doing right by his cubs. But he stands firm and stays strong because in their eyes he sees the love he once knew with the woman he once had.
Now they're lionesses in a jungle he fought his whole life to protect them from. He knows he has done all he can do for them so all he can do now is pray. So he takes a knee and closes his eyes and asks the God he has come to lean on to keep them safe from a world he has no control over.
They dont always understand. They don't always accept his help. They dont see how much it kills him when he can't stop their hearts from breaking from first loves or old flames or little boys trying to get lucky. They don't see how it cripples him when he cant stop the tears from falling. Or when he can't get them the dream job. Or that dream car with that dream life. They think he is self righteous. That he doesn't listen. They will never understand that underneath it all he is just a man trying to hold on to the love he once knew with the woman he once had. They will never understand that he will never be done raising them.

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