Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blackrose musings - Misery Business

The mere mention of courtship in todays world stirs the kind of reaction that can be compared to when one speaks of unicorns or life outside Earth. Deciding that our own actions built on self gratification constitutes the standard of life and living we refuse to believe the possibility of anything contrary to. So obsessed with being in control we dare tp jump off cliffs to our own graves that stand like an open furnace just waiting to consume the veils of ignorance we masquerade as courage.
Which one of us i wonder, through the various dates and relationships can claim to have a heart thats still full and unscathed? Because its easy to count hurt by the tears shed in the moment and the lost weight and lost love but no, it would be a safe zone if that were as deep as we fell. For every failed attempt there is a ripple effect. No longer the trusting amd warm person you were now "all men are dogs" and "all women lie"and without trust every relationship after that is like being with a parole officer with the constant check-ups and check-ins that by now you have convinced yourself is the only way to love.
Having relied on our own understanding too long we convince ourselves that the mediocrity is as good as it gets. And if we happen to see a glimpse of what it could be like if we Proverbs 3-5'd we convince ourselves that we are the exception because your train is a one way ride to misery. There's no way anything even resembling purity and righteousness would come to us.
That's so many of us. Somewhere along the way we got comfortable getting burnt and convinced ourselves "if it doesnt hurt it isn't love". oh but shame on us, because the only man to ever suffer true pain for true love was Christ. So what we are is just plain old sinful creatures caught up in our own webs of misery.
But its love we say. Of course it is. We love each other so much that at the first chance we get we are building a highway to hell paved with all sortsof blingage from lust to adultery, fornication etc etc there is just no way we can lose,  if this isn't love right? Do they really love us if they don't burn with passion for us? After all we are not siblings we say.
Ladies and gentlemen, just because in a moment of weakness some man and woman out there decided it was okay to test drive every car in the show room before deciding on which was worthy of his cheque does not make it THE way. And here's food for thought, you as a man- test driving a hundred cars before you make your decision, woman- being driven by another hundred before one deems you worthy, by the time you find each other do you really belong to JUST each other????

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