Thursday, February 18, 2016

Frelationship Musings

If he picks up the phone to call me and tell me he loves me.....been thinking about that moment. Fantasizing really because its as far fetched as me going bungy jumping- lies. But if for whatever reason; mustard seed faith, amnesia, sudden realisation of my awesomeness or even being the last two people on earth he actually does say those three little words and as a bonus convinces me to go bungy jumping, what happens next? Not long term, not even an hour later when I'm replaying the moment for my support system but right there in that moment. The words have left his mouth spoken on his lips reaching my ear and sending the message to my brain making it a reality. My eyes would probably threaten to roll out of my head as I fight the rest of me to stay in one piece. Note that this would probably not be due to the excitement of finally getting my human/flesh version of a happy ending but more stuck in the middle of Justin Beibers' feelings and Alessia Caras' I'm yours, like "am I in love with you or am in love with the feeling?" While in the same breath; "how dare you march into my heart to break up my lonely and ruin my miserable?" See what happens after is the clarity that reality of my fantasy makes me sad and mad and happy but uncertain. I'll take and keep you however way I can have you so I'm convinced it must be the kind of love that might never be in movies but in that perfect book that someone once read sometime back and always looks back to never understanding why it wasnt made into a movie when it was so awesome (mine is Nora Roberts- Daring to Dream) but is it really? Or do I just like the feeling? And is it real or even reliable or are you just filling the void while I wait or should be waiting for my movie scene?
So now I'm sad because I'm thinking if all I've been doing is catching feelings coz they are flying by and you went and messed around got the real stone what happens now? Mind you I still want you even if its just to look at your face on a wall from time to time. This is the maddening part; because in more ways than one you are perfect with changing my mood and altering my rude BUT damnit what if all these is just a bad case of feelings overdose?
You know what, on second thoughts let's not say anything about anything of heart beat or pulse or sanity value. Too many questions existing

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