Wednesday, March 16, 2016

As i Live and Learn

Learning, not by any will of my own but rather by a turn of events all pointing to the same truth, that love- love is no feeling. Not like I ever thought it was. See for years and forever I convinced myself that if my heart didn't beat at an accelerated pace when I saw the object of my affection then it couldn't possibly be love. That if he didn't dress a certain way or understand my conflicting personality then I couldn't possibly love him. Oh how wrong I've been, so wrong it's sinful. Love is no feeling. Granted it comes with a tonne of them but that's like how an insurance policy comes with terms and conditions, the Ts and Cs are not what you pay for.
Love is a decision. Void of all of the novelty often associated with it. Deliberate and selfless and repeated every single day with every breathe, thought,  word and deed you choose to love. Its choosing, always, to be patient and kind and generous when all you really want to do is strangle the person. Love is putting aside your pride, allowing yourself to trust that this person whom you have given your heart to, who has the power to shatter it into a million pieces will instead have and hold it, protect it and love it back.
How does one fall into that? Is it possible to decide when we are taught its a leap and we are falling into it? There is no choice they tell us. Oh but there is. Eyes wide open you find your person and if you are lucky they find you back. But loving them is not quid pro quo, its not scratch my back and I yours, that's just a bonus. Love is selfless- I want you happy even if happy is without me- in its true form. We choose it.
Until we choose not to.

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