Saturday, June 18, 2016

Worth the wait

I long for the days of peace and content and absolute freedom to be all of myself with one who will stay no matter how bad the storm rages. I long to be silly and brave and vulnerable and bold, to be all of me without the fear of scaring him away with my hormonal tendencies of being hot and cold and sad and mad and crazy, all of it- all of me. Someday it would be nice to be uncensored and unmasked, graciously flawed for one who sees past all of my scars and all of my insecurities and doubts, for one who sees his truth when he looks at me. And in him I will find strength to heal and be made whole because he will seek God first and I will be unto him a helper and partner and together we will love like Christ loved the church with a love that’s kind and merciful and forgiving and graceful and forever being each other’s biggest fan. I swore I would submit to no man but to him I will give myself whole in my brokenness because there is no other way to be his queen than to let him be my king, to let him lead me and lead our family to the cross- to a higher calling than both of us. And he will deserve it because every day he will show me grace in his love and righteousness in his deeds and wisdom in his words, he will be Christ’s love made manifest and his will be the rib from which I was made. Together, together we will dance under the stars and be the best of lovers and friends and fight like siblings and be petty and swoony and silly and beautiful, because together we will be the perfect piece of art ever created; on a canvas that once lay plain and bare almost to the point of pain and regret two souls met to create the perfect masterpiece of beauty in an imperfect place.  And because anything less would be settling for less I wait. Because I will not submit to one who is not worthy I will wait and because forever is the longest time spent with the wrong one...I will wait.

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