Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Adulting in Phases

We are broken and torn all of us like patched fabric threatening to tear and fall apart at the slightest of pulls we walk around elements hoping for a fix but often times ending up more damaged then when we went in. We aren't islands so we can't stand alone but we are too complex to be accepted and loved by all some will just never understand us. They see the flaws and fails and run, how can one ever feel safe enough to show their heart surrounded by sharks waiting for the first drop of blood. So we stop trying, we build walls and close ourselves off to the scrutiny of eyes that pry for their daily dose of entertainment at the expense of fragile hearts naïve enough to let them wander through unchecked.
Its not all gloom. For every stab of pain is one of the reals, the ones that stay in spite of the demons they see. The ones that love you deep and true with every layer they peel off. With every ugly bit exposed they hold on tighter and build bridges with you to your destiny. The little women that push you to be better and greater; the best men that teach you to see the good in everything; the childhood friends that remain true and constant through everything; the siblings you'd swear were parents and the friends so close they are family. 
Maturity I'm learning is seeing that there's always cracks but understanding that sometimes the cracks are rays of light like hope rescuing you from the comfort of mediocre bonds that do not build souls already depraved but instead push you further to your very own hell on earth. Sometimes we bleed to break free from the chains we have been bound to so long and it hurts as it should but there's the "squad" of truth waiting to take the walk back to peace and happy with you. That, that is more powerful than anything the mere numbers of humanity will ever do to you; love does after all cover a multitude of sin.

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